Children Need a Home Without Conflict
When facing divorce, many parents wonder, “Should we stay together for the kids?” Despite the fact that divorce is difficult, staying together for the sake of the children may not be a good option. Children who live in homes with conflict and hostility may actually be at a higher risk for developing their own mental health issues and behavioral problems. Many times parents find divorce is their only option.
If you are in the process of divorce or separating from your partner, naturally you are worried about how your children will be impacted. If handled poorly, a divorce will negatively affect your children, but you can significantly reduce this impact by making a concerted effort to avoid all negativity and put your children first.
As a firm who exclusively represents fathers in family law matters, the attorneys of In Law We Trust understand the variety of highly charged emotional issues that accompany divorce. Here are a few recommendations to help you and your children cope as you navigate through the process.
1. Explain your decision to the children, and if possible, do it together with the children’s mother. Be sure not to place blame and don’t go into too many specifics or involve them in explanations that they are too young to understand.
2. Even though it may be difficult to control your emotions, don’t fight in front of your children. If you need to have a discussion with your ex, and especially if you think that conversation may result in an argument, do it at a time and in a place where you can’t be overheard.
3. Keep the children out of the emotional and legal issues of your divorce. If need be, work out your emotional issues with a therapist. Discussions about child custody, visitation, child support, and other legal matters should be with your lawyer.
4. Create a good co-parenting relationship- one that encourages the children’s relationship with their other parent. In most instances, children benefit from maintaining close relationships with both parents. However, if you believe that it is unsafe for your children to visit with their other parent, immediately speak with an attorney at In Law We Trust about your options.
5. Do not withhold child support, prevent your children’s mother from seeing the children, or stop your own visitations in an attempt to punish the other parent, even if you feel hurt or angry. Again, always make decisions in the best interests of your children.
6. Even though there will probably be an adjustment as the children learn to adjust to going between two homes, try to keep their routines as normal as possible.
Provide Children With Reassurance
Of course, every situation is unique. Remember the importance of reassuring the children that they are loved, even though their parents may have stopped loving each other. Make every effort to be sure that your children feel safe and secure, even as the family structure is changing.
Whatever your questions are with regard to ensuring the welfare of your children during divorce, put your mind at ease by contacting In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers
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In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers is a premier firm of divorce lawyers representing men in family law proceedings. We are uniquely positioned to assist our clients with the challenges men face in Florida’s court system. Call us today and get the proper representation men need and deserve.