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The Process of Terminating Parental Rights in Florida

Being a parent can be one of the most rewarding experiences many people have. In the best case scenarios, you get to build a loving relationship with your child that enriches you both. Unfortunately, this isn’t a simple matter for all parents. Circumstances can occasionally arise that disrupts the parent-child relationship to the extent that legal processes have been set in place to formally end it. You might be facing the process of terminating parental rights in Florida for a number of reasons. It may be the case that your former partner is actively harming your shared children. You might personally be defending against this type of case as a result of accusations made by your ex or ...


Marriage Annulment Requirements in Florida

Few people enter into a marriage without the intention to forge a long-lasting relationship. Unfortunately, there will be times when unforeseen circumstances arise that lead to your need to end the marriage. However, there are a couple of ways to approach such a matter. While many people are familiar with the concept of a divorce, not so many are aware of how an annulment might be the most appropriate course of action. As with so many aspects of family law, there are specific marriage annulment requirements in Florida. Engaging an experienced family law attorney is essential to ensure you can understand and navigate these. However, it’s also worth taking a moment to explore the subjec ...


How Long Does a Father Have to Establish Paternity?

Establishing your paternity is an important step. This isn’t just because it enshrines your rights and responsibilities as a parent-in-law. It also helps to ensure you and the child in question can build your relationship, even if you only become aware of your potential fatherhood when they’re a teenager. Time plays a role in paternity cases. You certainly want to ensure the process is as swift and efficient as possible. After all, a shorter case means that you get more time with your child if the result is positive and you mitigate your financial burden if it turns out to be negative. This is why it can be so important to collaborate with a family lawyer with experience representing men ...


How to Disestablish Paternity in Florida

Being a father can be a rewarding experience. Unfortunately, new information that suggests you are not, in fact, the father of a child can disrupt the positivity involved. In some instances, you may choose to continue a relationship with the child on the basis of being a legal father rather than a biological father. Yet, this isn’t always a practical or appropriate option. In order to move beyond the situation, it’s important to take official steps as per the legislative requirements of the Florida family courts. This is a serious legal process that benefits from representation by an experienced family attorney. So, let’s take a look at how to disestablish paternity in Florida and what ...


Reasons for Continuance in Family Court

Family court cases are notoriously stressful. After all, there’s so much riding on the outcome. The decisions made during a court case on divorce, custody, or asset division can impact your relationships with your children and your financial security for years to come. They can also be quite complex. There may be several mitigating factors to consider or disagreements between you and your former spouse. As difficult as the process may be, it’s also vital for you to be actively involved. If you’re less present than your ex, or you haven’t chosen an attorney experienced in representing men in Florida, the judge may be more inclined to rule in your ex’s favor. However, attending the schedule ...


Parenting During the “Back to School” Phase

The Importance of a Stable Living Schedule for Kids It’s “Back to School” for our children and while this time of year presents a transition for everyone, it also presents shifts in parenting responsibilities, especially for parents who live in different household and have time-sharing responsibilities for their children. Whether the children are young and starting school for the first time, or older and resuming their school life, there are new schedules, new teachers, and new opportunities for extracurricular activities, sports participation, and a variety of other activities that will need to be addressed. If you are a Dad living apart from your child or their mother, keep in mind how i ...

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