How is Alimony Calculated?
Any divorce represents a significant change in the lives of you and your former spouse. One of the common shifts you can expect will be financial in nature. Particularly if one of you is the primary breadwinner of the family, the other may be concerned about their ability to continue living a life of the standard you’ve become used to. This is where alimony comes into play. The courts can direct one party to make regular payments to the other for a period of time to mitigate hardships. However, it’s important to work with an attorney experienced in representing men in Florida to make certain any amount of alimony allocation is fair. So, how is alimony calculated? Let’s take a closer lo ...
How to Disestablish Paternity in Florida
Being a father can be a rewarding experience. Unfortunately, new information that suggests you are not, in fact, the father of a child can disrupt the positivity involved. In some instances, you may choose to continue a relationship with the child on the basis of being a legal father rather than a biological father. Yet, this isn’t always a practical or appropriate option. In order to move beyond the situation, it’s important to take official steps as per the legislative requirements of the Florida family courts. This is a serious legal process that benefits from representation by an experienced family attorney. So, let’s take a look at how to disestablish paternity in Florida and what ...
What Happens to Property Owned Before Marriage in Florida?
Property division is an important part of the divorce process. You are likely to have property and finances that you acquired prior to your marriage and it is in your best interests to ensure these items are protected. It’s also vital to make certain your spouse doesn’t attempt to conceal marital assets by claiming they were owned prior to your union. Your best chance of success in these matters arises when you collaborate with experienced attorneys. The firm of In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers has earned a reputation for guiding Florida men through the challenges associated with asset division during divorce. So, let’s take a look at what happens to property owned before ma ...
What is Malicious Parent Syndrome?
As a caring father, you naturally want to make sure that your divorce has a minimal disruptive effect on your children. Therefore, your custody case is likely to be centered on getting the right division of living arrangements to ensure your kids are well supported by both parents. Unfortunately, your ex may not take the same attitude. Men in Florida already have challenges related to the reputation the state’s family court system has for prioritizing mothers in custody cases. However, you may find that this is exacerbated by your former spouse’s determination to deprive you of a relationship with your children. Malicious parent syndrome has become a common problem for fathers. Let’s t ...
How to Beat an Order of Protection
An order of protection is a vital tool for safety and security of vulnerable individuals. When used correctly, it is intended to ensure violent or abusive people are unable to contact or be in the same vicinity as their victims. As such, it’s understandable that orders of protection are a common feature of divorce and custody cases in which domestic violence or abuse is involved. Nevertheless, this isn’t to say that orders of protection are always issued fairly, correctly, or for the right reasons. You may find that your ex, in an attempt to gain an advantage in your family court case, makes false accusations to get an order of protection taken out against you. It may even be the case tha ...
What Happens if Your Spouse Won’t Sign Divorce Papers?
It’s only natural that you want the divorce process to run as smoothly as possible. After all, a long and complicated case is stressful and expensive. Particularly if there are children involved, you’ll want to keep things simple for their peace of mind as much as your own. In the best case scenarios, a divorce in Florida can be relatively quick and painless. Indeed, in uncontested divorce cases, only a single party — either you or your spouse — needs to attend the final hearing. Unfortunately, many men find their divorce isn’t quite so straightforward in this state. Indeed, even when you think you’re almost at the end of your process, there are ways for your ex to throw obstacles in the ...
Reasons for Continuance in Family Court
Family court cases are notoriously stressful. After all, there’s so much riding on the outcome. The decisions made during a court case on divorce, custody, or asset division can impact your relationships with your children and your financial security for years to come. They can also be quite complex. There may be several mitigating factors to consider or disagreements between you and your former spouse. As difficult as the process may be, it’s also vital for you to be actively involved. If you’re less present than your ex, or you haven’t chosen an attorney experienced in representing men in Florida, the judge may be more inclined to rule in your ex’s favor. However, attending the schedule ...