Stay Positive & Upbeat While Sheltering Them From Negativity
Communicating with your children during divorce is very important, but while you want to be reassuring, you also don’t want to put yourself in the position of having to answer complex questions and get into topics they are really too young to understand. You will, however, have to talk to the children about the importance of staying connected, keeping up with their education, managing their extra-curriculum activities, and about how their time will be divided between both parents. As a father involved in a divorce, of course you will want to remain positive and upbeat, but you also want to shelter them from as many of the negative effects of a divorce as possible. In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers understands these issues. We represent men in family law cases and understand the unique challenges you, as a father, may face.
Discussions and Traps to Avoid
Hard as it may seem to do, and we do understand it is human nature to want to present yourself in the best possible light, but avoid getting into the “blame game.” Placing the blame on anyone will end up putting your children in a difficult, even angry position. That is unhealthy and will be frowned upon by the courts.
Don’t talk in a disparaging manner about your spouse. We understand that can be difficult, and sometimes a negative remark or even facial expression will slip. Remember, however, that no matter what happened in the marriage, having both a mother and father is important to your kids. Divorce can be a complicated enough for your children. Don’t force them into dividing their loyalties.
You may hear comments from your children about things that your spouse has said about you. Don’t get angry and escalate the conversation with the children. Stay calm, thank your children for their honesty, and realize that it was not their intent to be malicious. Be the bigger person and don’t fall in to the trap of trying to defend yourself or discredit your spouse. Co-parent in the same responsible way you have been. Do make a note of the details and discuss with your divorce attorney. In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers sees this type of manipulative behavior frequently and will give you advice for the best route forward.
Responsible Parenting
Divorce is an uneasy time for all concerned. Continue to be an involved and loving parent. In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers, the divorce attorneys for men, understands these complexities. Call us to discuss your divorce concerns today!
Call The Family Law Experts Men Trust (813) 415-3510
In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers is a premier firm of divorce attorneys representing men in family law proceedings. We are uniquely positioned to assist our clients with the challenges men face in Florida’s court system. Call us today and get the proper representation men need and deserve.