How to Win a Custody Modification Case
During divorce proceedings, the real intention of custody agreements is to make certain that the new situation suits the best interests of the children involved. There’s also a need to make sure that both parents are treated fairly from the outcome. Unfortunately, the best case scenario of these intentions is not always the reality. Indeed, the Florida courts tend to have a reputation for giving mothers preferential treatment here. This is why it is so important to make certain that you collaborate with a family law attorney experienced in representing men in Florida. By seeking professional guidance, you can get the best possible chance for you and your children to keep your bonds stron ...
Sneaky Divorce Tactics to Be Prepared For
In the best case scenario, a divorce proceeds swiftly and fairly, with both parties acting in a reasonable fashion. This tends to result in fairer outcomes and ensures children are equally supported by committed and respectful parents. Unfortunately, many divorces don’t play out in this way. This is understandable, to an extent. After all, the end of a long-term relationship is a highly emotionally-charged situation and there may be significant animosity present. It may be the case that one partner is unwilling to accept anything but full custody of shared children. It’s also not unusual for greed to drive a spouse to gain more than the fair division of joint marital assets. As such, you ...
How to Prove Parental Alienation
It’s a given that both you and your former spouse want to get through your divorce without too much turbulence. As such, it’s certainly healthy to put aside any underlying resentments and move forward in a positive manner. This helps you and your respective family lawyers to reach fair custody arrangements that are in the best interests of you and your children. However it’s important to recognize that this civility shouldn’t end once the terms of the divorce and custody have been agreed on. Unfortunately, it may be the case that your former spouse doesn’t share your commitment to maintain a positive relationship to ensure that your children have the best possible experience with both par ...
Can a Foster Parent Fight for Custody?
Custody is most often shown as a battle fought by biological parents following divorce. There are even occasions in which adoptive parents are faced with these challenges. However, the experience of custody cases aren’t just limited to these parties and the children involved. Fostering is a vital part of the child welfare system. Without committed foster parents, there would be a lot more children in institutional-style group homes. As such, the foster system helps children to more effectively experience a safe and rewarding form of family life for the period that they are away from their biological parents. Whether this is for just a week or several years, the impact foster parents have ...
Contempt of Court for Ex Not Refinancing
The divorce process can be complex and stressful for everyone involved. This can be true even when you and your ex part on relatively good terms. This is why it is so important to work with an experienced divorce lawyer for men to achieve a fair final agreement. It’s vital for everyone involved to walk away from the situation with the correct division of assets and debts, alongside clear expectations for responsibilities moving forward. Nevertheless, this isn’t always the end of the story. Even when a fair and equitable agreement is in place, your ex may not hold up their end of the contract. One of the most common forms this can take is the failure to refinance a joint house loan. This i ...
First Right of Refusal Custody
Arranging the custody of your children can be one of the most emotionally taxing and stressful aspects of your divorce. Even when you and your ex part on relatively amicable terms, there can be various aspects that help to ensure you and your children benefit from a fair division of custody. This includes putting together a parenting plan that meets the needs of everyone involved. However, part of building an effective parenting plan includes consideration for unforeseen events. Agreeing upon effective first right of refusal custody arrangements comes into play here. One one level, this is a tool to make sure each party and your children can maximize your time with one another. It also ma ...
Car Repossession During Divorce
There are various difficulties involved with the divorce process. Among the most frustrating is how you and your spouse handle your property. It’s likely you’ve gained some significant assets during your time together and in Florida, all marital property is split equally. However, it is arranging this settlement that most couples focus on, and it can be easy to overlook elements that could complicate matters further. One of these is the prospect of either you or your spouse failing to make car repayments. If you or your spouse drop the ball during or after the settlement has been finalized, your car could be scheduled for repossession by your lender. This has knock-on consequences in a va ...