Factors That Affect the Best Interest of Your Children
Parenting Plan and “The Best Interests of the Children” If you are preparing for divorce and children are involved, no doubt you have heard a lot about the importance of a Parenting Plan. The Parenting Plan states how you and the other parent will share in parental responsibilities and time-sharing, and is of critical importance to the well-being of the children. The court has no partiality toward either a mother or a father, and will make its decision by approving a parenting plan that is in the best interest of the child. Determining what will be best for the children isn’t always easy. Many factors will be considered by the court before a plan is accepted. It is important for you to ta ...
What is the Required Parenting Class for Divorce in Florida?
What is the Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course? Co-parenting can be challenging at times, but there are many things that you can do to make it more productive and easier for all concerned. Taking a parenting class can be the first step in helping ensure a smoother transition for you and your children as you transition through the divorce process. Florida Statute 61.21 requires that both parents involved in a divorce take and complete the Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course if they have children under 18 years old. This course usually takes four hours, can be done on-line or in a physical classroom, and must be approved by the Florida Department of Children and ...
What's the Difference Between Divorce and Annulment?
How is an Annulment Different? In the state of Florida, a marriage can be ended either by a divorce or an annulment. An annulment differs from a divorce in that an annulment is a decree that a legal marriage never existed. While most times it is preferable to seek a divorce rather than an annulment, there are certain times and certain situations when an annulment may be appropriate. In Florida it is more difficult to obtain an annulment rather than a divorce due to the necessary court proceedings and burdens of proof. The court procedure and end-effect of a divorce is quite different from an annulment. A divorce declares that a marriage existed, has come to an end, and may have provisi ...
Estate Planning in Divorce
Don't Forget About Estate Planning It’s always a good idea to start planning ahead for things that will need to be altered due to the changes in relationships that occur with divorce. Many people forget the important step of estate planning during pre-divorce and post-divorce activities. Most likely, you will not want your ex-spouse’s name on documents that relate to your future finances or your healthcare directives. If you are contemplating or going through a divorce, be proactive in your approach and get legal advice about estate planning as soon as possible. What Documents are Related to My Estate? Some of the key documents that deal with your estate include: Life Insurance Poli ...
Children's Bill of Rights in a Divorce
Don't Take Your Children's Feelings For Granted The Children’s Bill of Rights is something we like to mention during or before a divorce involving children. We feel the issues discussed here are ones that often parents need to be reminded of. Things like not being forced to get involved in grown-up issues and remembering not to treat them like pawns during or after a divorce. After all, kids are people too. For the sake of a child’s education, their daily routine, and to help them better associate with family and/or friends, parents are requested to always remember that children deserve the following: The right not to be asked or expected to choose sides or be put in a situation whe ...
What is a Parenting Plan?
It's Required By Law A parenting plan is the written document that describes how the child or children will be cared for after your divorce. Rather than applying the terminology of custody and visitation, the terms parental responsibility and time-sharing are used to describe the aspects of the parenting plan. Florida requires the parents of minor children to make a parenting plan in all divorce cases. In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers is the preeminent legal firm for men in the Tampa area, and we will assist you in this process in order for you to achieve the best possible result for you and for your children. Understanding the Terms “Parental Responsibility” and “Time-Sharing” ...