Unmarried Couple with Children Splitting Up: What to Do
A breakup is rarely an easy process when there are children involved. There will likely be a lot of difficult emotions as well as formal arrangements to be made. This can be challenging enough when a couple has been married for the entirety of their children’s lives. Unfortunately, if you and your former partner are not married, you may find additional legal hurdles to establish arrangements that are best for everyone involved. Too many fathers still find that the Florida court system favors mothers in custody cases, particularly when the parents are unmarried and there’s little official paperwork to support the consistent parent-child relationship the father has had thus far. ...
How to Win a Custody Modification Case
During divorce proceedings, the real intention of custody agreements is to make certain that the new situation suits the best interests of the children involved. There’s also a need to make sure that both parents are treated fairly from the outcome. Unfortunately, the best case scenario of these intentions is not always the reality. Indeed, the Florida courts tend to have a reputation for giving mothers preferential treatment here. This is why it is so important to make certain that you collaborate with a family law attorney experienced in representing men in Florida. By seeking professional guidance, you can get the best possible chance for you and your children to keep your bonds stron ...
Can a Foster Parent Fight for Custody?
Custody is most often shown as a battle fought by biological parents following divorce. There are even occasions in which adoptive parents are faced with these challenges. However, the experience of custody cases aren’t just limited to these parties and the children involved. Fostering is a vital part of the child welfare system. Without committed foster parents, there would be a lot more children in institutional-style group homes. As such, the foster system helps children to more effectively experience a safe and rewarding form of family life for the period that they are away from their biological parents. Whether this is for just a week or several years, the impact foster parents have ...
First Right of Refusal Custody
Arranging the custody of your children can be one of the most emotionally taxing and stressful aspects of your divorce. Even when you and your ex part on relatively amicable terms, there can be various aspects that help to ensure you and your children benefit from a fair division of custody. This includes putting together a parenting plan that meets the needs of everyone involved. However, part of building an effective parenting plan includes consideration for unforeseen events. Agreeing upon effective first right of refusal custody arrangements comes into play here. One one level, this is a tool to make sure each party and your children can maximize your time with one another. It also ma ...
Parenting During the “Back to School” Phase
The Importance of a Stable Living Schedule for Kids It’s “Back to School” for our children and while this time of year presents a transition for everyone, it also presents shifts in parenting responsibilities, especially for parents who live in different household and have time-sharing responsibilities for their children. Whether the children are young and starting school for the first time, or older and resuming their school life, there are new schedules, new teachers, and new opportunities for extracurricular activities, sports participation, and a variety of other activities that will need to be addressed. If you are a Dad living apart from your child or their mother, keep in mind how i ...
Co-Parenting and Time-Sharing: Tips for Summer Break
The Burden is on the Parent Seeking the Modification The long awaited summer break is almost upon us, and while children and parents look forward to this time of year, it can add a bit of stress as daily routines and parenting time schedules are not quite as predictable. For a number of families, summer break might mean long distance time-sharing and that the children may be away from one of the parents for a longer period of time. This can create anxiety for children who are not used to spending time out of their normal surroundings or away from a parent. Some parenting plans are more detailed about coordinating time-sharing during school breaks and holidays. It’s a good thing to have ...