Should You Stay Off Social Media During a Divorce?

As the Saying Goes: 'Better Safe Than Sorry' We all know social media has become an important part of how we communicate and interact with others. Used to document everything from our everyday lives to the most extraordinary events and accomplishments, it is a way of sharing with family and friends in an instantaneous, but also very public way. However, your actions on social media leading up to your divorce and during the divorce process may very well be taken into consideration during any negotiations or court appearances. As family law attorneys, In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers sees examples of how social media can not only negatively impact the emotional status of the parties ...
Should You Change Your Insurance Coverage During a Divorce?

Get the Advice of a Trusted Attorney First There are many complicated and stressful things to consider when you are in the middle of a separation and divorce. Often people are just operating in the survival mode. However, as you realize the importance of being organized and prepared with as much information and documentation as possible, the question of what to do regarding your current insurance policies will eventually come up. While it might seem sensible to make changes that reflect your current separation status, don’t do this without first consulting your attorney. Call In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers, the family law firm that specializes in working with husbands and father ...
Should You Withdraw Money From a Joint Bank Account During a Divorce?

You may have heard horror stories about a friend or a friend of a friend, whose spouse suddenly cleaned out a bank account without warning, leaving them high and dry. Scary? Yes! Is it a reason to panic and think that you should do it first? No! If you are contemplating divorce, this is another reason to consult with a divorce attorney. Contact the lawyers from In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers for practical guidance, as well as legal advice about how to handle finances during divorce within the boundaries of the law. It's Not as Simple as You Would Think While it may seem perfectly within your rights to withdraw funds that are in your name, and you also may be in the situation ...
Should You Stop Paying the Mortgage & Spouse’s Bills During a Divorce?

What Are Your Legal Responsibilities? During divorce, interactions between the spouses can become hostile, angry, bitter, and spiteful. Add to that the uncertainty of a future financial outcome and the situation can quickly become a recipe for disaster. The attorneys of In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers are frequently asked by our clients as to how to handle financial obligations during the divorce process - whether or not they have moved out of the house. Couples at the early stages of divorce often find it simplest to keep the status quo in terms of paying household bills – in other words, continue to share bills that were typically shared, and take care of ones that each spouse ...
Should You Represent Yourself in a Divorce?

It is not unusual for men to believe that with a little research and their own negotiating skills, divorce might be something that they can figure out on their own. While you may be tempted to file for divorce on your own using court provided documents or information from a book, website, or worse yet, advice from well-meaning friends - don’t do it! Your future is too important! Always, Always, Always Seek Proper Representation Divorce is a complicated process. Combine that with it also being an emotional time, and you can make damaging mistakes that will drastically alter the outcome - and not in your favor! This definitely is one scenario that it is an absolute must to seek out expert ...
Should You Move Out of Your Home During a Divorce?

It Could Be a Big Mistake This is a question that we frequently discuss with our clients - and it is a tough one! We understand that things are probably pretty tense for all concerned when couples are considering divorce or in the midst of the divorce process. You may feel like you need space in order to get your thoughts together and lower your stress level. Emotions are probably running high and it is most likely difficult to keep from exchanging petty remarks, tossing criticisms back and forth, arguing, and bringing up the transgressions of the past. As a man, you may think that it is up to you to be the one to leave, as you want to know that your children (and even your soon to be ex) a ...
Can Modifications Be Made to Custody and Parenting Plans in Florida?

The Burden is on the Parent Seeking the Modification It is possible to make modifications to a court ordered parenting plan. However, the burden is on the parent that wants to change the time-sharing arrangement. It must be shown that there have been significant changes in circumstances since the last order was entered and that there are valid reasons for making new arrangements for the children. When seeking a father’s custody rights or any changes to existing parenting plans, it is important to show that that you have been, and are willing to continue to be, cooperative with the other parent on all issues that relate to your children. You also must prove that you are willing to keep th ...