Children's Bill of Rights in a Divorce

Don't Take Your Children's Feelings For Granted The Children’s Bill of Rights is something we like to mention during or before a divorce involving children. We feel the issues discussed here are ones that often parents need to be reminded of. Things like not being forced to get involved in grown-up issues and remembering not to treat them like pawns during or after a divorce. After all, kids are people too. For the sake of a child’s education, their daily routine, and to help them better associate with family and/or friends, parents are requested to always remember that children deserve the following: The right not to be asked or expected to choose sides or be put in a situation whe ...
Be a Positive Role Model for Your Children

Be Positive Now More Than Ever Even if you are not the primary custodial parent in a divorce, it doesn’t mean that your responsibilities towards your children have ended. Being a positive role model is one of the most important things that you can do for your children. If you're a parent dealing with divorce, try to remember that you are needed now more than ever. Supportive parenting strategies can go a long way to helping children adjust to the changes brought about by divorce. Offering reassurance and a sense of stability can help ease the effects of divorce on children of all ages. The attorneys of In Law We Trust are well-versed in the challenges facing fathers during divorce. We un ...
Minimizing the Effects of Divorce on the Children

Children Need a Home Without Conflict When facing divorce, many parents wonder, “Should we stay together for the kids?” Despite the fact that divorce is difficult, staying together for the sake of the children may not be a good option. Children who live in homes with conflict and hostility may actually be at a higher risk for developing their own mental health issues and behavioral problems. Many times parents find divorce is their only option. If you are in the process of divorce or separating from your partner, naturally you are worried about how your children will be impacted. If handled poorly, a divorce will negatively affect your children, but you can significantly reduce this impa ...
What is a Parenting Plan?

It's Required By Law A parenting plan is the written document that describes how the child or children will be cared for after your divorce. Rather than applying the terminology of custody and visitation, the terms parental responsibility and time-sharing are used to describe the aspects of the parenting plan. Florida requires the parents of minor children to make a parenting plan in all divorce cases. In Law We Trust Divorce and Family Lawyers is the preeminent legal firm for men in the Tampa area, and we will assist you in this process in order for you to achieve the best possible result for you and for your children. Understanding the Terms “Parental Responsibility” and “Time-Sharing” ...
Can a Father Get Custody Of His Child in Florida?

Things Are Changing Quick Father’s legal rights in Florida with regard to family matters have evolved rapidly over the past few years. While it is unusual for either parent to get sole parental responsibility and custody of their children, it is not unheard of. Florida now has "parenting plans" where not only for “time-sharing,” but responsibility for every aspect of their child’s life must now be spelled out. It is generally believed that it is best for children to have adequate bonding time with both parents, no matter where the child lives. Sole custody is difficult to achieve and is awarded in rare situations. In order for sole or full custody to be granted to either parent, the cour ...
How is Alimony Affected by the Length of a Marriage in Florida?

Short-Term Versus Moderate-Term Marriages Divorce is a difficult emotional process, no matter how long the marriage has lasted. In the state of Florida, a marriage is considered short-term if it lasts less than seven years. A moderate-term marriage is considered to be seven to 17 years, and marriages lasting more than 17 years are considered a be long-term. When it comes to property division, Florida is an equitable distribution state, but the court does consider many factors and depending on the length of your marriage, the courts will award support and divide property in a manner that they feel is adequate and fair, with that in mind. In the case of short-term marriages, be aware that the ...
How to Get Child Support Modified in Florida

Child Support Modification Child support can be modified at any time provided that a parent can demonstrate that circumstances have changed significantly since the last judgement. Those circumstances can include a dramatic increase or decrease in income resulting from a job change, a dramatic increase of decrease in the number of overnights the child stays with each parent, or a change in expenses. The most common reason for a child support modification is a change in income. Many times this is legitimate as circumstances and employment opportunities evolve. However and unfortunately, some parents may try to evade financial responsibility and reduce their income by either quitting their ...